Friday, November 5, 2010

My Most Recent Kit First Time Shown

This is called Bedazzled and it's a huge kit....   5 previews
It is a whopping 223 mb and has  
26 papers
20 different frames
16 assorted tags
22 ribbons, bows, borders, etc...
and 50 assorted elements to compliment it all. 
Here are some samples:

More Previews


Once Upon A Time....

     I was a designer...I made and sold digital scrapbooking kits at Scrapbooker's Playground, which I'm sad to say is closed.  But that was a lifetime ago it seems... almost 5 years ago.  I had quit long before the store closed.  First of all I loved working with the owner, she's absolutley the sweetest and I loved being a part of her administrative team as well.  However due to personal issues and life taking different directions for her as well as me and the  other administrative team members, things became rather hectic, and I was really overwhelmed by it all.  Payroll, inventory control, hiring potential designers, training them, and keeping up with customer support,  forever changing and updating policies, and trying to maintain mandatory forum activities...   Eventually, I had total and complete burn out.  I just was forever working on the website in the store, and never had time to create or design anything, so that's why I decided to quit.  I even went offline for a couple of years, just because I was so burnt out. 

But now I'm back sort of....  it's been several years, and this last year I started scrapbooking again, and making my own elemements.  I don't think I'll ever go back into selling again, the market is so over saturated, it's almost ridiculous. 

But here I will post previews of my some of my work, and if you see anything you like give me a holler!   I'm happy to share with my family and friends.